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Inline Skates

At Hockey Services, our players know that selecting the right inline skate for roller hockey is important. Though there are many similarities between inline and ice hockey skates, there are some major differences as well. The boots on inline skates are often softer and more flexible because roller hockey requires more torque and flexibility, especially in the ankle. And, of course inline skates have wheels!

What model should I buy?

What model of inline skate players should buy will vary based upon their budget and skill level. Beginner players and recreational players can start off with less expensive models. More advanced players may want to invest in high performance skates, which will be more expensive. These skates will have a higher bearing rating, which means they will provide more speed. The players at Hockey Services are here to answer any questions about purchasing inline skates you may have, and can assist you in selecting the model that’s right for you.

Player Skates vs. Goalie Skates

In roller hockey, standard player skates differ from goalie skates in two major ways:
  • Ankle support
  • Wheel setup
Goalie skates provide less ankle support but greater mobility in the ankle area. Goalies wear more leg protection than other players, so additional support from the skate is not needed. Standard player inline skates have four inline wheels, and though goalie skates also have four wheels, they are spaced differently so that goalies can strap on their leg pads without interfering with the wheels

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11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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Hockey Services
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Hockey Services
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